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The Monetization of MMO Games

Rate this Article With so many MMO games around, and more being developed it raises the question of how they fund the games, in this article we will discuss how MMO Games make money. MMO Square - The Monetization of MMO Games

MMO Games are becoming ever more popular and there are a lot of games available to play or in development. But games are not free to create, often requiring time and money to create. So how do the developers keep producing games, here we will discuss some of the monetization tools they use.

Firstly lets begin with the simplest form of monetization, where you are asked to pay for the game. This direct payment for the game can take 2 forms, either having to buy the game right at the start, and then the game is free from then on. Or that you pay a monthly fee to access the game.

Many of the games that fit into this format require a download, or the purchase of game discs to install the game. Sometimes there will also be a special edition upon release with both in game and real world bonus items. An example of this style of game is World of Warcraft or Age of Conan.

Both of these games had an upfront payment as well as a monthly fee, and both had a special edition upon release that both cost more money, but had several nice quality items included for the extra price.

There are also games that are free to play for everyone, but there are bonuses or a better game experience if you subscribe. Possibly the greatest example of this is Star Wars the Old Republic. You can play the majority of the game for free, but if you want extra crafting slots, or more space missions you need to pay a monthly subscription.

They have also introduced a special currency into the game, that you can buy with real money and gain extra items, services or boosters. This duel payment style allows you to play the game for free, with the occasional transaction or have the full game and some of the extra currency for that monthly payment.

On a similar line there are many Online MMO Games that will be completely free to play and log in to, but with the option to buy a special in game currency that will give you benefits or items in the game.

These games tend to be browser based, rather than downloaded or purchased and are often free to sign up and play. While you can complete the game and play at a high level without spending money, the game is significantly easier if you buy the special currency.

These small payments are known as micro transactions, and they account for a large proportion of the income for many developers. Examples of these games include Lunaria Story, Soldiers Inc and Wartune.

There are some games that have used some or all of these above methods to monetize their games, and with new games being developed all the time there may be a new method that arrives to replace what is currently used.

Having said all of that, paying for a game is not something new to many of us, especially within the world of MMO Games. We are glad that these games keep being produced and we look forward to new releases eagerly, and these new games on the horizon look truly stunning.

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