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Zuhause Spiele War Star Empire
War Star Empire preview image
StrategienMMO 2D WarFuturistic SettingSpieler vs Spieler Facebook
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Engage in massive peer-based battles and overwhelm your enemies to rule the world.

Capitalize in besting the bi-weekly competitive events to unlock advanced weapons.

Join Clans to share weapons,resources, and tactics with in order to layout great skirmishes and planned attacks. War Star Empire Revue

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Donnerstag, September 3, 2015

Neues Spiel ist hinzugefügt: War Star Empire

War Star Empire - Attacking Enemy Base Operation Center in War Star Empire War Star Empire Facility Assortments Engage in massive peer-based battles and overwhelm your enemies to rule the world.

Capitalize in besting the bi-weekly competitive events to unlock advanced weapons.

Join Clans to share weapons,resources, and tactics with in order to layout great skirmishes and planned attacks.
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