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Things we would like to see in Mobile Battle Royale Games

Évaluez cet Article Mobile based battle royale games have come a long way ever since they first surfaced but there are a few aspects in which these games tend to lack a bit and, in this article, we’ll be talking about the features that we hope to see added to them in order to make the experience better. MMO Square - Things we would like to see in Mobile Battle Royale Games

Although there are various ways in which mobile based battle royale games can improve the experience for players, one change that would immediately improve the experience tenfold would be better hit registration. If you’ve played battle royale games on the mobile platform before then you’ve probably had your fair share of experience with shots that seemingly should’ve connected but still didn’t do any damage. This is an issue that occurs primarily due to some faulty hitboxes and the server not registering shots from time to time and it can actually have a pretty big impact on the experience because that one shot connecting might mean the difference between surviving and dying.

An improved control scheme could absolutely work wonders for battle royale games on this platform because it’d give players the tools they need to pull off high level plays that are usually only made on console or PC based battle royale games. In the mobile based version of Fortnite Battle Royale, for example, there really isn’t an efficient way to build and this is why it can be quite tedious to setup walls to defend yourself while under fire and it’s almost impossible to actually use the walls aggressively in order to close the gap to an opponent. However, if the developers take some time to improve the control schemes, we could certainly see the level of play in these games elevate to a whole new level.

One feature that exists in some games but not necessarily all of them is the ability to tone down the game’s graphics settings in order to get smoother frame-rates while playing. Mobile based battle royale games can be rather demanding and this is why there’s no real way to run them at stable frame-rates on low-end phones unless players can turn the visuals down a few notches. We definitely hope to see these settings added to all battle royale games as they’ll allow players to play the games without constant stuttering.

Finally, we really hope to see these games come up with new ways through which players can conveniently find their friends and play with them. As it stands right now, a lot of these games require players to manually look up the usernames of their friends in order to add them but, in the future, we’d definitely be pleased to see things like social media integration through which players can instantly find their friends who play the game. Some games do feature integration with social media but it really isn’t as polished as it could be and feels tedious to use at times.

All things considered, the aforementioned features are those that we hope to see added to mobile based battle royale games in the future. While on the subject, we highly recommend giving these games a shot because they allow players to enjoy an intense gameplay experience in the comfort of their mobile devices.

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