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Home Games Kingdom Hearts: Unchained X
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RPGAdventure 2D AdventureTurn BasedFantasy SettingDungeon/ InstanceAnime AndroidiOS Square Enix
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Stroll into the magical and fantasy world of Kingdom Hearts in Kingdom Hearts: Unchained X.

Meet and interact with your favorite Disney and Square Enix characters and join forces with them.

Battle to protect your friends, rid the world of darkness, and save all the worlds from the Heartless. Kingdom Hearts: Unchained X Review

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Sat, Apr 15, 2017

New Game Added: Kingdom Hearts: Unchained X

The battle system in Kingdom Hearts: Unchained X Unleashing a special ability in Kingdom Hearts: Unchained X Boss battle in Kingdom Hearts: Unchained X Stroll into the magical and fantasy world of Kingdom Hearts in Kingdom Hearts: Unchained X.

Meet and interact with your favorite Disney and Square Enix characters and join forces with them.

Battle to protect your friends, rid the world of darkness, and save all the worlds from the Heartless.
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