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Tips for League of Legends Beginners

इस लेख का मूल्यांकन करे If you’re new to League of Legends then the game might seem a tad bit daunting to you. In this article we’ll be giving you a whole lot of advice that, when followed, is sure to improve your skill level in League of Legends. एम एम ओ चोराहा - Tips for League of Legends Beginners

If you’re new to League of Legends then the game might seem a tad bit daunting to you. The game’s tutorial is fairly in-depth but it leaves out a lot of very important information that could greatly benefit the player. In this article we’ll be giving you a whole lot of advice that, when followed, is sure to improve your skill level in League of Legends.

Never Ignore the Minions

The biggest mistake that almost every single newcomer makes is ignoring minion kills. Newbies are almost always focused on taking their opposing laner down somehow and by tunneling on the enemy they often lose sight of the minions entirely. You should always make sure to last hit all the minions that are in your lane because they can net you an insane amount of gold that you can then use to purchase items. Every fourteen or so minion kills give the same amount of gold that a champion kill would have gotten you but of course the thing about the minions is that they’re way easier to kill.

Try Out Different Roles

Trying out different roles is something that’s sure to improve your skill at the game since you’ll get more insight regarding how every role is supposed to function. Most players just pick a role for themselves and keep spamming it over and over again and while this might improve their skill at that specific role, it still doesn’t help them understand how the other roles function. We highly recommend playing every role a couple of times so you get the basic idea of how each one of them functions.

Don’t Limit Yourself to a Single Champion

One common mistake that many newcomers make is sticking to one single champion in pretty much every single game and this is a big issue for many reasons. The first problem with this is of course the fact that the particular champion will not be available every single game and alongside this there’s also the fact that you can be easily countered since you don’t have any other champions that you’re good at. No matter what role you decide as yours, we recommend mastering at least three to four different champions for that role so you can deal with any situation that the game throws at you.

Don’t Argue with Teammates

League of Legends is no doubt a very competitive game and in games like this, things can get a tad bit heated when the game isn’t going in your favor. If players in your team start arguing with you or each other then you should try your best to dispel the situation as quickly as possible because these arguments can be quite distracting and might further propel you towards defeat. In dire situations, try to keep your teammates motivated by letting them know that there’s always a chance for you to make a comeback if the enemy team makes a mistake.

Let Yourself Get Carried From Time to Time (Very Important)

Let’s face it, while you might have stellar performances from time to time, there are always going to be the matches in which you simply can’t keep up with the opposition. If you’re dying too much in lane then you should never feel the need to make risky plays because there’s a pretty low chance that they’ll pay off and you’ll likely end up putting your team even farther behind if you attempt them. If you can’t carry your team in a particular match then you should take the back seat and play a utility role while letting your teammates do the carrying, you’d be surprised how well this works out most of the time.

All said and done, as long as you keep the advice mentioned above in mind, we can say with certainty that you’ll see a drastic increase in your win-rate.

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