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What Makes War Thunder So Good

Értékeld ezt a cikket If you’re even the tiniest bit interested in MMO games then it is quite likely that you’ve heard of War Thunder. It’s a sensational game that offers players all the thrill and intensity of a live war zone. In this article we’ll be discussing in a bit more detail the things and features that make War Thunder such a delightful game. MMO-tér - What Makes War Thunder So Good

Undoubtedly the primary reason behind the game’s huge popularity and success is the fact that it has done an excellent job of depicting the World War II era. The chaos, the explosions, the artwork and pretty much all else in between feels absolutely perfect. To complement this, the game even has a few plot elements that help make the experience much more immersive for the players and constantly remind them that their role in the fight is a highly important one so they must give it everything they’ve got in order to succeed.

One thing that many gamers appreciate is a solid variety and the variety of War Thunder is above and beyond solid. Normally in a game like this you’d expect to have at most fifty or sixty different vehicles to pick from which is already quite a significant number but in this game there are over a hundred vehicles to choose from. What’s more incredible is that they don’t just look different but each vehicle has its own set of characteristics and traits that distinguish it from the rest. For example some aircrafts have a really high amount of firepower but are relatively slow in the air but at the same time there are also there are many planes that might not pack that much of a punch but make up for it through mobility and maneuverability.

Another really appealing feature about this game that has helped it attract a much wider audience than the usual MMO loving crowd is that it’s filled with tons of single player content as well. Of course being an MMO, it’s mostly expected to have multiplayer elements but there are players out there who would like to play a game like this but would instead prefer a solo experience and these players have appreciated this single player content quite a lot. There are many kinds of missions that you can go on to make a difference in the war and you won’t have to worry at all about some other player shooting you down in the midst of your mission.

Of course you could have gameplay that is head and shoulders above every other similar game but a game has to look the part as well if it wants to be considered even close to top tier. Fortunately, War Thunder has one of the most incredible graphics out there. The constant special effects in the form of explosions and gunfire, the true to life vehicle designs and of course the amazing maps. There’s tons of eye candy to enjoy.

Overall, War Thunder is considered a successful game for many different reasons and the ones we’ve mentioned above barely scratch the surface of it all. We strongly urge you to try the game out and assure you that the experience will be amazing, ours certainly was.

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