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4 Role-Playing Games like Pokemon Planet

Valuta questo Articolo Pokemon Planet is an exceptional game and, if you’re looking for something similar to it, we have you covered. Piazza MMO - 4 Role-Playing Games like Pokemon Planet

Pokemon Planet is a Pokemon inspired MMORPG that’s received a lot of critical acclaim ever since it came out because it delivered everything that fans of the Pokemon franchise have always wanted. However, over the years, a lot of similar games have surfaced and, in this article, we’ve picked out some of the best similar Pokemon inspired games that we’ve had the pleasure of trying out over the years.

The following 4 RPGs are quite similar to Pokemon Planet and are more than capable of giving players countless hours of enjoyment.

#1Pokemon Revolution Online

Pokemon Revolution Online is perhaps one of the most polished Pokemon inspired RPGs to ever surface. The game features an enormous game world for players to explore, lots of Pokemon for players to catch and, on top of all this, it has one of the best PvP systems that we’ve seen in a Pokemon MMO. If you choose to give this game a shot then you’re in for a delightful gameplay experience for sure.

#2 Monster MMORPG

Monster MMORPG is definitely among the most unique games in this list because it draws a lot of obvious inspirations from the Pokemon franchise but, on top of this, it offers a variety of unique elements that make it stand out from the crowd. If you enjoyed playing Pokemon Planet and are looking for something that similar in terms of gameplay but unique in terms of setting, Monster MMORPG is worth looking into.

#3 Pokemon Showdown

Pokemon Showdown is a game for players who specifically enjoyed the PvP aspect of Pokemon Planet. Instead of having things like exploration and Pokemon collection, this game focuses solely on the combat and, due to this, it’s perfect for those who want a more competitive and intense experience. The game assigns players random Pokemon in every battle and it is then up to the players to utilize all the Pokemon to their fullest potential and wreak havoc on their opponents. This game is definitely a lot more challenging than the other games on this list so it may take a while to get fully settled into but, overall, it’s an absolute delight to play.

#4 Pokemon Pets

Pokemon Pets is a game that feels quite similar to Pokemon Planet because both games are based on the same ideas and their execution is quite similar as well. Fortunately, though, Pokemon Pets has some of the best content variety we’ve seen in a game of this sort so it’s definitely worth giving a shot to.

All said and done, the aforementioned RPGs are those that are similar to Pokemon Planet and an absolute treat to play so it’d definitely be a wise choice to try them out.

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