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The Various Roles in MOBA Games

Valuta questo Articolo MOBA games have a reputation of emphasizing rather heavily on teamwork. To enable proper cooperation and teamwork during the gameplay, each player needs to fill a specific role depending on the team’s needs. In this article we’ll be examining each and every one of these roles and shedding some light on their importance. Piazza MMO - The Various Roles in MOBA Games

MOBA games have a reputation of emphasizing rather heavily on teamwork. To enable proper cooperation and teamwork during the gameplay, each player needs to fill a specific role depending on the team’s needs. In this article we’ll be examining each and every one of these roles and shedding some light on their importance.

Before discussing these roles in more detail, first off it’s worth mentioning that while most of the roles remain similar throughout all MOBA games, some games still have some unique roles that are limited to that game only. However, in this article we’ll only be discussing the roles that are a part of every single game in the genre.

First of all is the Jungler. The Jungler is one of the most important roles in every single team composition because this guy basically dictates the entire pace of the game. The purpose of a Jungler is to roam around the map and try to help out his fellow teammates who are losing their lanes or try to secure objectives to give his team the upper hand. Some advanced level Junglers will also try and establish vision control in enemy territory to give their teammates some much needed information that they can then turn into an advantage. Many types of characters can be used to fill this role ranging from beefy disruptive tanks to damage dealing fighters. An example of the optimal Jungling character would be Lee Sin from League of Legends. Lee Sin does some really significant damage early on and then transitions into a tank as the game progresses

Then we have the linchpin of any team composition which is the carry. The purpose of the carry is to basically dish out an insane amount of damage to the enemies and win their team any fight that occurs. However, while they’re certainly able to absolutely obliterate any enemy that comes in their range, carries are also fairly squishy which means that if they get caught out of position, they’re likely to be blown up extremely quickly. Another thing to keep in mind about carries is that they’re fairly weak in the early game and require a bit of time and scale up and reach their power point. Anti-Mage from DotA 2 is the prime example of a full-fledged carry as he just keeps getting stronger and stronger as the game progresses.

One role that’s often referred to as one of the most vital roles in every single team composition is the Support. A Support’s job is quite like what the name already implies. They’re purpose is to provide crowd control and utility for their team while also absorbing a lot of damage. However, there are other kinds of supports as well like healers who stay in the backlines and try to keep their fellow comrades at full health. Often times during the early game, supports are assigned to stay with their carries and make sure that they can scale up properly into the late game.

After that we have the bruisers. Bruisers basically serve as the frontline for their team. Their objective is usually to dive the enemy carries and keep the occupied long enough so that their own carries can take over the fight. Bruisers are able to take a pretty hefty beating but at the same time are also able to dish out some good damage of their own which makes them a threat no matter what. However, if a team composition is already heavy on damage then they can be replaced by full tanks.

Finally are the tanks, tanks are basically walking juggernauts whose entire purpose of existence is to make life hell for the enemy. They’re loaded with tons of engage tools and crowd control so they can start a fight on their terms whenever they want. However, the obvious flaw about them is that they don’t really have any damage worth noticing so in a one on one scenario they can’t really do much.

In conclusion, these are basically the roles that generally come together to form a team composition in a MOBA game. Speaking of MOBAs, we recommend trying them out as they offer a near endless amount of fun.

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