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Home Games XERA: Survival
XERA: Survival preview image
Third Person ShooterMMO 3D SurvivalPost ApocalypticExplorationMilitaryRobots Steam Spotted Kiwi Interactive
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Explore the map to gather precious loot like weapons, armor, and food

Take on hostile robots and also other players to obtain the best items

Participate in events and remember to return to the settlement to store your loot! XERA: Survival Review

Video - MMO Square

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dinsdag, juni 4, 2019

Nieuwe Game Toegevoegd: XERA: Survival

XERA: Survival: Scouring the trailer park for loot Inventory in XERA: Survival XERA: Survival: Compound event Explore the map to gather precious loot like weapons, armor, and food

Take on hostile robots and also other players to obtain the best items

Participate in events and remember to return to the settlement to store your loot!
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