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Starsze Posty czwartek, grudnia 31, 2015

Dodano Nową Grę: Star Crusade: War for the Expanse

Star Crusade intense duel Star Crusade explosive effects Star Crusade playing a card Outplay your opponents in this high quality card game that focuses heavily on strategic play.

Enjoy the breathtaking sci-fi visuals as you participate in duels across the galaxies.

Progress through the game and get your hands on strong cards that can wreck your opponents.
Czytaj Dalej
czwartek, grudnia 31, 2015

Abyss: Dark Arisen Trailer Video

Abyss: Dark Arisen Trailer Video Fight against the devil himself in this exciting upcoming web-based MMORPG, Abyss: Dark Arisen! Czytaj Dalej
środa, grudnia 30, 2015

Dodano Nową Grę: Sphere 3: Enchanted World

Sphere 3: Enchanted World charging into battle Sphere 3: Enchanted World preparing a spell Sphere 3: Enchanted World intense duel Immerse yourself in this incredible MMORPG that you simply won’t be able to let go of.

Explore the gigantic game world that’s filled with beautiful sights to see and terrifying creatures to slay.

Choose a class of your preference from the multiple different options available.
Czytaj Dalej
środa, grudnia 30, 2015

MMOSquare is now on Twitter!

MMOSquare is now on Twitter! Find out about new reviews and articles, gaming news and updates, as well as which games we're obsessed about... all MMO-related of course... in 140 words or less! Czytaj Dalej
środa, grudnia 30, 2015

Dodano Nową Grę: Journey To The West

Journey To The West ready for battle Journey To The West gameplay Journey To The West epic characters Play this phenomenal MMORPG that’s full of memorable moments and delightful gameplay.

Pick a class of your preference from the four distinct options available.

Explore a breathtaking game world that’s filled with monsters to slay and fellow players to ally with.
Czytaj Dalej
niedziela, grudnia 27, 2015

Dodano Nowy Artykuł: The Different Phases of a MOBA Match

The Different Phases of a MOBA Match preview image Every single MOBA match goes through a bunch of different phases before it finally draws to a close and one team comes out victorious. In this article we’ll be breaking down a full match and analyzing every single stage it goes through to give you a basic idea of how these games function. Czytaj Dalej
sobota, grudnia 26, 2015

Dodano Nową Grę: Dark Expanse

Dark Expanse Factories Dark Expanse Infantry Dark Expanse Fleet Operations Capture planets and colonize them for further productive capabilities.

Build your own fleet from scratch and perform in-system and out-system operations.

Build your defensive capability and prevent other players from attacking your solar system.
Czytaj Dalej
piątek, grudnia 25, 2015

Dodano Nowy Artykuł: Top 3 MMO Shooters of 2015

Top 3 MMO Shooters of 2015 preview image 2015 has in general been a great year for games, especially MMO shooters. In this year we saw many amazing and revolutionary games surface that completely changed the way we looked at this genre. In this article we’ll be picking out the three MMO shooters that we think were the very best of this year. Czytaj Dalej
czwartek, grudnia 24, 2015

Dodano Nowy Artykuł: Why You Should Play Battle Battalions

Why You Should Play Battle Battalions preview image Battle Battalions is a great game that took the world by storm the very day it was released. In this article we’ll be talking about it in a bit more detail and basically we’ll be telling you why you should try it out. Czytaj Dalej
czwartek, grudnia 24, 2015

Dodano Nową Grę: Army Force Warland

Army Force Warland Sniper Scope Army Force Warland Submachine Gun Army Force Warland Double Kill Play exciting matches of Alpha vs Delta in this exciting online first person shooter.

Carry an arsenal of four high-powered weapons to blaze away with.

Eliminate the opposition and win the round for your team.
Czytaj Dalej
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