Find out about new reviews and articles, gaming news and updates, as well as which games we're obsessed about... all MMO-related of course... in 140 words or less!Czytaj Dalejśroda, grudnia 30, 2015
Every single MOBA match goes through a bunch of different phases before it finally draws to a close and one team comes out victorious. In this article we’ll be breaking down a full match and analyzing every single stage it goes through to give you a basic idea of how these games function.Czytaj Dalejsobota, grudnia 26, 2015
2015 has in general been a great year for games, especially MMO shooters. In this year we saw many amazing and revolutionary games surface that completely changed the way we looked at this genre. In this article we’ll be picking out the three MMO shooters that we think were the very best of this year.Czytaj Dalejczwartek, grudnia 24, 2015
Battle Battalions is a great game that took the world by storm the very day it was released. In this article we’ll be talking about it in a bit more detail and basically we’ll be telling you why you should try it out.Czytaj Dalejczwartek, grudnia 24, 2015