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Tips and Tricks to Playing Astro Conquest

Оценить эту Статью Astro Conquest is a game that may feel daunting at first due to its relatively steel learning curve but we’re here to remedy this issue for you by giving out helpful tips that are sure to aid players. MMO Square - Tips and Tricks to Playing Astro Conquest

Games like Astro Conquest are quite hard to start off in since there are various different kinds of mechanics and gameplay elements that players need to familiarize themselves with before they can start playing properly. Almost all strategy games come with a steep learning curve but Astro Conquest’s curve is a bit steeper since it has a lot more features than your average strategy game and, while these features definitely make the game more enjoyable, they also make it a bit more difficult to get into but, fortunately, we’re here to provide tips that are sure to aid you as you try to find your footing.

1: Stock up on as much Titanium as possible.

Titanium is what’s considered the premium currency in Astro Conquest and, while a lot of premium currencies require players to pay real world money, this particular game actually gives players the ability to acquire Titanium by doing various in-game tasks. It’s highly recommended that you do all the tasks available through which you can acquire Titanium because it’s an extremely useful resource that’ll help you out in various ways.

2: Try to get into an alliance as quickly as you can.

Alliances are basically the clans/guilds of Astro Conquest and it’s absolutely recommended that you try to join a worthwhile alliance as soon as you get the chance because it’ll help you out tremendously. When you’re in an alliance, you’ll always have people who will assist you whenever you can’t seem to figure something out.

3: Acquire multiple bases.

One important thing to keep in mind about Astro Conquest is the fact that, in one single base, you can only mine for a single kind of resource at any given time and this can actually make things quite tedious if you’re trying to get your hands on as many resources as you can within a short amount of time. However, if you have access to multiple bases of your own, you can use each individual base to mine a different kind of resource and this will help bolster your economy by a tremendous amount.

4: Prioritize on defense before offense.

A lot of players feel the urge to build a fleet as soon as they can so they can wreak havoc on their opponents but, in doing so, they usually leave their base unfortified. It’s highly recommended that you try to build functional defenses for your base before you start working on your offense to make sure that you can survive any incoming attacks and aren’t rendered completely helpless if you ever become someone’s target.

Astro Conquest is a challenging game to figure out but, as long as you keep the aforementioned tips in mind, you’ll be able to do a lot better than you initially thought you would.

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